ATTENTION: Arrive AT LEAST 2 hours prior to boarding time.  

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Information provided here is intended to help pilots understand what is currently happening in Project SOAR on the airfield. We understand that pilots will have logistical questions about the airfield, including:

Detailed overview for pilots:  

Runway Closures – Throughout the four-phase project
The FAA does not permit construction activity to take place inside a Runway Safety Area (RSA) while that runway is operational. For that reason, at different times throughout the project, extended periods of overnight closures of the existing and temporary runway will be required in order for the needed construction activity to take place. Although the actual times may vary depending upon flight schedules and circumstances, during these periods, the runway will generally be closed between the hours of 12:00am and 5:30am daily. At this time, it is likely that overnight closures will occur into 2020. NOTAMs will be issued as required. NOTE:  Pilots should consult NOTAMS for the most up-to-date information.